Most people know the concept of ‘Sunday Scaries,’ but have you heard of ‘New Job Jitters?’ You’ve applied for the job, interviewed and got the job offer! Congrats! This is supposed to be a very exciting time, right? Well, if you are experiencing anxiety about your new job, you are not alone. The American Psychological Association found that work is one of the top three causes of stress for Americans.
A new job is a significant change. After the initial excitement of the job offer wears off, lingering worries can weasel their way into your mind. What if I’m actually not qualified for the job? What if they don’t like me? What is my morning commute going to be like? There are so many ‘what ifs’ that it can become overwhelming. So how do you calm those new job jitters?
Here are some tips to help alleviate feelings of anxiety:
Find the Source of Your Anxiety
Identify what exactly has you worried about your new job. Are you worried you’re not qualified enough? Stop and consider the qualities about yourself that make you feel confident. Write them down and read them aloud to yourself. Additionally, you can remind yourself of all the reasons that your new company offered you a job. They saw something in you that they knew would succeed at their business, or else they wouldn’t have hired you. Imposter syndrome can also create feelings of anxiety about a new job. Check out this blog we wrote on imposter syndrome to learn more about it!
Shake it Off (Literally)
Studies have shown that exercise can be a valuable tool to help alleviate anxiety. Physical activity can release mood-boosting endorphins, help reduce stress, sleep aid, and relax tense muscles. Building physical activity into your daily routine can help establish a sense of familiarity and ease your anxiety. Additionally, exercise can be an activity to look forward to each day, either before or after the workday.
Talk About It
Talking about what you’re experiencing can help you feel less alone. The chances are that whomever you choose to speak to about it has experienced similar feelings before. It can be comforting and therapeutic to talk through your emotions regarding the significant change in your life. Additionally, those you speak to can remind you of the qualifications that helped you land the new job in the first place!
Remind Yourself Why You Accepted the New Job
You were job searching for a reason, and hopefully, this new position fulfills those reasons. Did you get a salary increase? More job security? Better work-life balance? Whatever your reasons may be, think about what your new job is offering you and what excited you about the opportunity in the first place. Sometimes our anxiety can overshadow those feelings of excitement and let us forget what interested us in this job in the first place. When this happens, think about your values and how this new opportunity aligns with them. You can read more about the values list here.
Potentially Seek Therapy
If your anxiety stems from something beyond your new job, you may need to talk to a licensed professional. It’s easy to put our mental health on the backburner and say you’ll take care of it later, but it’s just as important to take care of your mental health as it is your physical health. Leaving anxiety unchecked can lead to additional serious problems such as depression which could seriously impact your work performance. Additionally, some employers offer mental health assistance; be sure to check-in with your supervisor about the options available to you.
Change can bring on a variety of emotions, including anxiety. The new job jitters can feel like the wind being taken out of your sails. Take some of these steps I’ve outlined above for you and shake off those new job jitters so you can have an awesome first day!

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