Managing your career is similar to managing a business. The effort and time put into presenting and marketing a product directly reflects sales, and ultimately, determines success. The same principles apply to finding a new position. It takes hard work, organization, dedication and a hands-on approach to selling yourself, your talents and experience. Here are ten great tips to help promote your talents and generate a successful job search.
1. Positive Perspective – Your Philosophy, Your Attitude When searching for a new position, whether it’s with your current company or elsewhere, having a positive perspective is the key to success. We all need to turn loose of our old scripts. In the old days if you worked hard and kept your nose clean, the “company” would take care of you. No longer is that the case. Today you need to take control and manage your own career. It is your number one priority in today’s market place. Make sure your glass is half full, not half empty – everyday. Replace your fears with faith and trust, knowing you’re in charge of your career. As you conduct your job search keep in mind that selling yourself is really just sharing information about yourself. You’ll need to find out what potentials employers are looking for, then over deliver and under promise.
2. Project Planning Searching for a new job is similar to creating and managing a work project. First, you must determine the parameters of the project and then do the necessary research. Prioritize your activities and plan them in a logical method. Breaking the project into easy manageable steps keeps you on task, and helps minimize the feelings of being overwhelmed. To create a successful plan:
- Define your accomplishments, the impacts they made and add them to your resume
- Write a general cover letter outlining your accomplishments – individualize letters to each firm
- Develop a list of target companies you would want to work for and research those companies
- Follow up with a phone call to determine the target company’s interest level
- Ace the interview with great questions and by dressing correctly
3. Product for Sale You are the product. To sell yourself study the job description. Understanding and defining your product is critical to your success. What do you bring to a firm? In marketing terms, what are your features, examples and benefits? You must demonstrate confidence in your product, yourself. Use impact words that demonstrate your abilities (see examples below). What are your features? What are examples of successes? What were the benefits to the firm? I led the sales team in sales with a 26% increase year to year. Awarded the top sales person award for three years in a row. Increased overall sales for the firm by 4%.
4. Demonstrate Passion In your cover letters, resume and interview, you must demonstrate passion and high energy for your work. Show that you are excited to go to work. Just as important, demonstrate you are not afraid of failure and understand that failure is just a state of mind. You cannot fail as long as you are still trying. With this kind of an attitude you must make sure the job offered is something you really want. It is far easier to get into something than to get out of something.
5. Professional Presentation Make a winning first impression. Be prompt, make eye contact and have a firm handshake. An interview should be treated similar to a sales call. You have a defined product (you), which includes a great collateral piece – your resume. You have the confidence you need in your product, you have done your homework on the company and you believe they need your skills to grow as a firm.
Be prepared for the ultimate question: “Please tell me about yourself.” You have been preparing for this opening. Begin a conversation and discuss the following:
- Talk about your experience, education and their company.
- Ask about their ideal employee. What is the culture of the firm?
- Discuss your weaknesses and how you have overcome them.
- Provide specific examples of why you would be perfect for the job.
- At the end of the interview, ask for the job and when they will be making a decision.
6. Practice is the Key to Success You cannot practice too much. Practice gives us confidence. Sit in front of a mirror and discuss your product, its features and benefits. Talk yourself through the anticipated interview questions and answers. This will give you the confidence to tell people about yourself and it will show during the interview.
7. Prospect – Knock on Doors Where do you look for work? The newspapers, Internet, job fairs, company web sites? Yes to all. Before you begin to network, develop and practice your two-minute elevator speech about your goals. If a networking opportunity presents itself, make sure you deliver your elevator speech with passion. Be prepared to face rejection, but use it to refine your presentation. If someone indicates they are not interested in your resume, ask why. Ask if they know who might be interested. Don’t forget to network. Go to your gym and network. Go to your church and network. To get the dream job, you must first discover it.
8. Price – How Much Should You Make? To determine your price, you must first discover how much your product is needed. You must determine what your bottom line would be in salary, where you would walk away. Stick to your rules and don’t take the first job offered to you because you assume it is the best job available. Don’t say yes to what you don’t want. What do you do if the company or job offered is not a good fit for you? Be respectful – indicate that you appreciate the opportunity but it is just not right for you.
9. Persistence Never give up until you reach your goal. There are plenty of obstacles. Don’t fall into the excuse trap. You don’t need to give yourself reasons to fail. Focus on following your dreams.
10. Performance If you have high expectations putting forth great effort – Good things will happen. If you have low expectations putting forth little effort – You will be disappointed. With a great attitude, a great product, and a great presentation with outstanding collateral material, you can reach your dreams. You just have to knock on the door of opportunity.

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