The holiday season is always one of reflection, community, and celebration. Millions of Americans sat down for a Thanksgiving meal two weeks ago, and although the festivities looked much different this year than in years past due to COVID-19, families had the opportunity to break bread and show thanks through Zoom dinners, social-distancing picnics, and some were lucky enough to sit at the same table with each other. This holiday is one that almost every American celebrates; a Gallop Poll concluded that 9 out of 10 Americans celebrated with friends and family this year.
Thanksgiving is known to be a holiday that brings Americans together, whether for football games or family traditions, barriers are broken down between family and friends every year to celebrate this holiday. My family gathers to compete in different sporting events and play Thanksgiving Jeopardy (a few of my favorite family traditions). I am so appreciative of the quality time I get to spend with those closest to me, and much of this is due to the fact that this is a Nationally celebrated holiday and my office is closed on Thanksgiving.
There are myriad events and holidays celebrated by Americans that are equally as important, however, firms and offices may not always have the ability to close down in recognition. Due to this conundrum, this blog aims to bring awareness to these holidays, as well as offer ideas to help create a more inclusive environment that celebrates all heritages, backgrounds, religions, differences, and peoples.
First, I would like your feedback! What holidays are important to you? Click Here to be sent to a survey that allows you to offer your feedback of what you celebrate or recognize as an important day or event. This survey also outlines numerous, but not all, holidays celebrated by Americans with various backgrounds, religious views, genders, and abilities. Each and every one of the days, events, and holidays outlined in the survey are just as important to the people who celebrate them as Thanksgiving is to me and millions of people.
Inclusive Work Environment
Now that you have taken a look at the survey and seen just how many holidays there are to Americans, let’s discuss how to recognize the importance of these days in the workplace:
- Floating Holiday – As part of an employees benefits package, a floating holiday enables employees to take a day off at their own discretion to celebrate a holiday the company does not officially take off (e.g. religious holiday, cultural events, special events, and birthdays)
- Diversity & Inclusion Calendar – like the survey above, a questionnaire can be administered to all employees for the employer to understand what holidays are celebrated within the office. This survey can also offer a chance for employees to sign up for planning committees and offer more information or knowledge for certain days and events. Recognizing these holidays, even just through a well informed email can have a profound impact on inclusion .
- Team Bonding Events – Bonding events are a great tool to utilize to create an inclusive work environment. Cultural potlucks and D&I Month are just the place to start
- Book Club & Library – Reading diverse narratives helps in emphasizing with the experiences and viewpoints of people from different backgrounds. Offering a book club or book library at the office, can foster team growth and learning and create clearer communication channels between teammates.
There are so many ways to celebrate the differences between all of us! As Pat Wadors, renowned business women, said, “When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we become wiser, more inclusive and a better organization.”

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