You might think…most firms want it but don’t give anything for it. Recent surveys from leaders of organizations had a lot to say:
“LEED AP merits a one-time bonus of $2,000.”
“We work with sustainable design consultants on our several LEED Gold projects. Familiarity with LEED is an essential, but certification is not. In our opinion, sustainable design expertise should be part of the core professional registration expertise, not a separate body.”
“The process to become a LEED AP is paid for by the company, such as training seminar, and paying for the testing.”
“Firm pays for LEED exam cost upon passage of exam, pays for membership in USGBC and the local chapter. No pay increase or bonus given.”
“LEED requirement for all full-time professional licensed employees. Companies pay for training and testing for the test that is passed.”
“It is a consideration at annual reviews, especially because we hold ongoing LEED seminars throughout the year.”
“LEED AP merits a one-time bonus, recognition at all-office meeting, and consideration in project planning.”
“Not required, strongly encouraged. Considered during raise, promotion and bonus discussions.”
“Architectural License, Interior Certification, and LEED Certification are all required professionally for promotion.”
“We have been looking for a formal certification program relevant to our business. LEED is a bit too far afield to be meaningful to our customers. We read a lot and participate in organizing and soliciting sponsorship for the AIGA sustainability lecture series.”
“Accreditation/certification is encouraged and rewarded, but we do not emphasize LEED since the knowledge require for accreditation can be obtained outside USGBC, and most of our clients choose to do LEED-equivalent project without spending the $$$ to obtain certification.”
“There is a basic expectation that all professional staff become LEED AP. We pay for the cost of a study seminar, study material,and the cost of the test. Not having your LEED credential is a roadblock to one’s advancement in the firm”
“Certification is required for all new hires within 6 months of hire date. Others are encouraged as well. Employees are given $500 plus a reference guide to study and prepare for the exam.”
“Credentials are important to advancement. Recognition is evaluated on an individual basis. Attaining LEED AP has led to pay increase and has been a factor in the promotion of some individuals. Along with other factors, becoming a LEED AP is viewed favorably during annual reviews. The feedback from such reviews is used in annual bonus and salary determinations. It is also used as part of our promotion evaluations.”
References acquired by several publications of AIA, DI, and major Architecture and Design Firms.

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