The term “performance review” can be anxiety inducing for even the most effective and confident of employees. Whether your performance review conversation is a casual lunch with a supervisor or a structured, formalized process, these discussions can have profound impacts on your trajectory as a professional.
Just like any other important professional moments, performance reviews require preparation. We take the time to prepare for meetings with our clients, subconsultants, and county representatives; why wouldn’t we take the time to prepare for something as important as our own career development? Below are a few tips and tricks to add to your professional toolkit before your next performance related conversation:
Review your Job Description: Prior to any performance related conversation, it is imperative to understand the criteria against which you are being measured. Reviewing your job description, highlighting areas of excellence and areas of improvement in advance, and even bringing a copy of your job description to your review will help eliminate ambiguities; the best reviews are those with limited surprises. If you are hoping to grow within the firm, ask for a copy of the job description of the next title you are working towards. Taking this initiative will help you paint a clearer picture of which areas of performance are the most important to master in order to progress.
Bring Measurable Evidence of Value: If your ultimate desired outcome of a review conversation is to obtain a promotion, be sure to come equipped with specific, measurable evidence of the value you bring to the employer. When preparing your evidence of success, it is important to focus on the quality of results, not the amount of labor. Employers value working smarter not harder; referencing the amount of hours you put towards a project is a less effective message than referencing the specific end results of that project. Billability, positive client feedback, ability to see the project through ahead of schedule, and healthy project financials are all great performance indicators to reference in your value-add narrative. Below are two statements, one very general, one highly specific:
- Statement 1: “I have served as a project manager successfully on a myriad of projects this year, saving our firm a lot of money and time.”
- Statement 2: “This past year, I have developed into a highly effective project manager, managing 50+ projects totalling $1.5 million in revenue delivering 80% of projects by or before deadline, saving our firm over $15,000.00 in billable hours.”
Which did you find more effective in conveying your value? The goal is to effectively communicate how your contributions are unique to you and how these contributions support the firm in their short term and long term mission. When crafting your talking points, be sure to utilize the highly specific format in order to best show your value.
Equip Yourself with Target RIch Questions: A productive performance review should be a clarifying exercise for both parties involved. The review serves as a dedicated space for an employee to tackle any ambiguities or uncertainties regarding their role or the firm head on. Prior to the review, determine what ambiguities you would like clarity on in your professional life. For a review to be successful, the employee should walk away with a very clear picture of what success looks like for themselves and for the firm. Come equipped with a printed list of target rich questions such as:
- What does success look like in my current role?
- What specific objectives do I need to accomplish in order to be ready for a promotion?
- What does my growth path look like here?
- Is there one prescribed path or can I grow in various directions?
- What specific measures can I take as an employee in order to reach my professional goals?
- How will you as an employer support me in my pursuit of these goals?
- What areas of performance are most important to the firm?
- How does my day to day work tie into the long term mission of the firm?
Prepare for Constructive Feedback: Humans are creatures of imperfections, and everyone has areas in which they can improve. Prior to any review, take the time to reflect upon your own performance and past constructive feedback. Come to your review equipped with talking points on measures you have taken to adjust to past challenges. If the negative feedback was received recently, make an actionable plan to share on how you plan to remedy it. Being open to feedback, taking ownership of your performance, and being proactive in self-management, is a sign of professional maturity and leadership.
Write out Your Goals: When developing your goals, it is helpful to ask yourself a number of questions. One year from now, where do you ideally want to be in your career? What role and responsibilities are you hoping to take on? What projects are you passionate about? How do you want to improve? Throughout the process of goal setting, it is crucial to set career objectives that are measurable, attainable, and in line with your personal and professional values. You can finetune these goals during the review conversation by collaborating with your supervisor on planning your development for the coming year and ensuring the goals you are striving for are also important to the firm.
Develop an Action Plan: Now that the review has happened, what do you do to ensure you are working towards your goals? Developing a professional action plan is a great way to remind yourself of what you’re working towards, enhance accountability, and actively track your progress in your career development. Storing a printed copy of your action plan in a visible place in your work setting is another helpful measure to take to keep you on track with your progress. Click here to download a career action sheet to help organize and guide how you plan on developing professionally in 2022.
By dedicating the time to reflect on your career and prepare for your review, you can design a rewarding career path that is aligned with your values, interests, and passions. Working as a professional in the A|E|C industry and seeking career advice? Connect with one of our dedicated Career Consultants here.

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